Results day! Always an emotional rollercoaster.
If you passed, then a huge congratulations from the entire VIVA team! You'll be turning your thoughts to the Management level. Read on to find out how VIVA can accelerate your journey through the remaining exams.
If you didn't quite make it, not to worry! There are solutions, and we can guide you through them below...
Resitting the next window?
If you didn't make it this time, it's understandable that you might want to take a bit of time to deal with the disappointment. That's completely natural, and you should give yourself a day or so to absorb the result.
However, many successful CIMA students have revealed that one secret to their success was not allowing themselves to lose their momentum. As CIMA World Prizewinner and VIVA student Autumn Bressington told us in a recent interview, "after the exam, if I did fail, I'd allow myself the rest of the day to sulk (laughs). And then I'd get back on the horse the very next day, and start working through areas where I thought maybe I'd been weaker".
In other words, the best way to think when you don't pass is: "I've already got a foundation in this subject. I have experience with the exam. I can now build on that, learn from my mistakes, and if I carry on instead of getting dejected, I have a much higher chance of passing next time!".
VIVA's online OCS courses for the next round of exams are now underway, and there's still plenty of time to join and get started.
We have different options available, depending on your needs. You can find your ideal course via the link below:
OCS Full Courses Aug24 - Info and Pricing
Professional Marking - the Difference Maker
For many VIVA students, our personalised Professional Marking Service has proved the "difference maker" in getting them that passing grade. Take CIMA qualified student Godson Kumah, for instance, who noted that the difference for him was "expert feedback on the mock exams" (see review here). Our seasoned CIMA markers give you tailored advice on what you're doing right, what you're doing wrong, and how you can improve.
You can purchase marking services separately as an add-on to your existing course or membership:
Professional Marking - 1 Mock Exam
Professional Marking - 2 Mock Exams
Professional Marking - 3 Mock Exams
Join the Elite - Prizewinning Personalised Tuition
If you've tried other courses and mock marking and still been struggling, then we have the course for you. Our exclusive Elite Courses are now enrolling for the OCS August 2024 exams.
The Elite is VIVA's most personalised, high-intensity study program for students who are motivated to do whatever it takes to pass. Regular live workshops with a small cohort of other highly motivated CIMA students; regular 1-to-1 sessions with your CIMA tutor; professional mock marking and feedback on all mock exams; private tutor-led community discussion group; and full access to VIVA's entire bank of CIMA study content (1000 hours).
You can reserve your place on the Elite course now via the link below:
OCS Elite Course - Info & Pricing
Looking ahead to the Management Level?
If you passed your OCS exam (and kudos if you did!), then you'll be setting your sights on conquering the Management and Strategic levels. With VIVA's 365 day All Access membership, you have everything you need to get you through all three Objective Test exams (E2, P2 and F2), with full syllabus on-demand video lectures, downloadable course notes covering every topic and chapter, and huge banks of practice questions for every subject!
Then when you're ready, you'll also have complete access to the MCS course - whatever exam window you decide to sit in.
If you're not already an All Access member, then just click the link below to join the growing community of CIMA students enjoying the highest value CIMA study offer on the market, with award-winning tutors: